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    This week in GlobalSportsJobs' BRAZIL 3-SIXTYº series with  adidas Group Blog , we meet Christian Blinger, part of the adidas Football Licence Design Team. Christian had the responsibility of designing the Germany (his motherland) football kit for the World Cup. A dream job, don't you think? Not so fast - this video looks at the ups and downs he faced when trying to please a whole country. 

    We also meet Martin who had the same role for his motherland, Argentina. 


    GlobalSportsJobs caught up with Christian and asked him: 'Designing the national jersey of your country can be a delight but also a great responsibility. How large is the team that works on these designs and how do you find the right balance in the design process?'

    ""There are quite a lot of people involved in the whole product creation process. We as the designers have to be aligned with our Marketing and Development Team to ensure that our designs are also realizable in terms of production, quality, costing, etc.
    As a Designer it's important to listen to all parties involved. Of course you should follow your own design intuition, but you also need to be open for compromises."



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